Operating in a remote, mountainous region, connectivity has historically been a challenge. With these innovative tools, responders in the field received coverage they haven’t had previously.
AT&T FirstNet has been integrating it's FirstNet Flying COWs™ into training exercises and is not only helping agencies improve their communications, but it’s also another way that public safety’s network platform is working to continuously meet first responders’ needs.
When public safety responds to an emergency, we are at their side. And as public safety’s communications platform, by collaborating with agencies during training exercises and drills, just like in Santa Clara County, we are planning with agencies before a large-scale event happens. It’s just one way we’re helping them stay mission-ready.
Working alongside first responders, we’re building a future that’s only limited by our imaginations to develop. It’s a very exciting time for public safety communications, and I look forward to watching it unfold.